Monday, March 4, 2013

carpet cleaning Windsor,Customer Service

Customer Service
"You will be judged by what you do, not what you say."
   Carpet cleaning Windsor, Customer Service is an essential piece of a successful company.  No matter how many deals, offers, sales and promotions that are offered to the public the longevity and success of a company is built on return business and word of mouth referrals.
Ensuring a positive experience for your customers is not only the right thing to do, it’s also the only way to sustain a company; especially in this flooded market.  Fly by night companies offering unreal deals and unreal outcomes are unable to sustain an anchor themselves in a community. 
A sales person with skill or an eye for pushing vulnerable persons can sell a job once.  However it is the customer service that ensures the longevity of the company.  This customer service is built on mutual trust, a keen awareness for the industry and assurance of need verses up-selling.
There is no greater marketing campaign then positive customer testimonials and customer referral of friends and family.  Family and friends trust one another, if you are recommended by a friend or family member your company will be representative of that circle of trust.  Companies that are successful have an awareness of the benefits of this kind of networking.
To ensure your company is engaging in positive customer service ensures that you and your employees are answering the phone whenever possible.  Customers feel cared for when their questions can be answered by a person, or that the appropriate person will return their call.
When Customers share with you concerns, fears, problems or complements LISITEN to them! And let the customer know that you will address these issues and make changes to ensure the best customer service.  You would rather a customer feel as though they can share with YOU their issues and work through them rather than be unsatisfied and share their negative perception of your company with their friends and family.  In some cases this offers the company an opportunity to explain and leaves the customer feeling attended to.
Another significant part of customer service is ensuring that you never offer a service that you cannot deliver upon.  Your customers are smart and this is a huge breach of trust and may leave the customer feeling that you would say anything just to make the sale.  Another piece to consider is up-selling.  While this is a documented profitable technique it is important to distinguish between an up-sale and a needless upgrade that benefits the company and not the customer.  Company’s must ensure that when up-selling or packaging products and services that both the customer AND the company benefits. 
Lastly, a discussion around offering customers that ultimate positive experience; an example of this might be a construction company doing a kitchen renovation notices the lock on the customers bathroom door is broken and fixes it at no charge.  A fix of this nature may cost the company under five dollars to repair, the benefits however are invaluable.  The way that this customer will go into the community and speak of your company would be valued at thousands in terms of advertizing. 
While the obvious steps of ensuring that your staff is curious and knowledgeable, considering these applications of customer service will guarantee that you are not only ensuring due diligence of customer service, but will also create a brand of trust and excellence for your company. 

+Robert Russell
ELEMENTS Carpet Cleaning and Restoration
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